Google BigQuery Relational Data

From FojiSoft Docs
Revision as of 21:09, 3 January 2024 by Chris.Hansen (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Foji is a powerful data integration platform that allows you to connect and process data from various sources, including Google BigQuery. This documentation will guide you through the process of configuring Google BigQuery Relational Data as a data source in Foji. The Google BigQuery Relational Data configuration enables you to retrieve and analyze relational data stored in BigQuery tables. To configure the data source, you will need to provide the following fields: Name...")
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Foji is a powerful data integration platform that allows you to connect and process data from various sources, including Google BigQuery. This documentation will guide you through the process of configuring Google BigQuery Relational Data as a data source in Foji. The Google BigQuery Relational Data configuration enables you to retrieve and analyze relational data stored in BigQuery tables. To configure the data source, you will need to provide the following fields: Name, Connection, Projection ID, Scan Interval, Target Table, Toggle Append Data to Table, and Query.

Step 1: Accessing Data Source Configuration

  1. Log in to your Foji account and navigate to the data sources section.
  2. Click on the "Add Data Source" button or select the option to create a new data source.

Step 2: Naming the Data Source

  1. In the "Name" field, enter a unique name for your Google BigQuery Relational Data source. Choose a descriptive name that helps you identify the purpose or characteristics of this data source.

Step 3: Configuring Google BigQuery Relational Data Connection

  1. Connection: Select or configure the connection to your Google BigQuery project. Ensure that the connection is established and authenticated before proceeding.

Step 4: Configuring BigQuery Relational Data Specifics

  1. Projection ID: Enter the ID of the BigQuery table or view that contains the relational data you want to retrieve. This ID identifies the specific dataset and table or view within your BigQuery project.
  2. Scan Interval: Specify the interval at which Foji should scan for new data in the BigQuery table. Choose a suitable scan interval that aligns with your data update frequency and requirements.
  3. Target Table: Specify the target table where you want to store the retrieved data in Foji. Select an existing table or create a new one using the provided interface.
  4. Toggle Append Data to Table: Enable this option if you want to append the retrieved data to the target table during each scan interval. If disabled, the target table will be truncated and refreshed with the new data.
  5. Query: Optionally, provide a custom SQL query to retrieve specific relational data or perform data transformations on the retrieved data. Use standard SQL syntax to construct the query. Note that the query is optional, and you can leave it blank to retrieve all data from the specified table or view.

Step 5: Saving and Using the Data Source

  1. After providing the necessary configuration details, click on the "Save" or "Create" button to save the Google BigQuery Relational Data source configuration.
  2. You can now use this data source in your Foji workflows to access and process the relational data stored in your BigQuery table. Leverage Foji's data transformation capabilities to manipulate and integrate the data as needed.
  3. Contact the Foji support team for more information on utilizing the Google BigQuery Relational Data source within your workflows.


By following the steps outlined in this documentation, you can configure Google BigQuery Relational Data as a data source in Foji. This allows you to retrieve and analyze relational data stored in BigQuery tables, enabling seamless integration and processing of data using the Foji platform.