Relational Data - Aggregate Functions - Reference - Boundrat

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Aggregate function that calculates the slope between the leftmost and rightmost points across a group of values.


Sample data:

    number * 1.5
FROM numbers(10)
┌─number─┬─multiply(number, 1.5)─┐
│      0 │                     0 │
│      1 │                   1.5 │
│      2 │                     3 │
│      3 │                   4.5 │
│      4 │                     6 │
│      5 │                   7.5 │
│      6 │                     9 │
│      7 │                  10.5 │
│      8 │                    12 │
│      9 │                  13.5 │

The boundingRatio() function returns the slope of the line between the leftmost and rightmost points, in the above data these points are (0,0) and (9,13.5).

SELECT boundingRatio(number, number * 1.5)
FROM numbers(10)
┌─boundingRatio(number, multiply(number, 1.5))─┐
│                                          1.5 │