MongoDB Aggregation Metrics

From FojiSoft Docs

Foji is a versatile data integration platform that allows you to connect and process data from various sources, including MongoDB. This documentation will guide you through the process of configuring MongoDB Aggregation Metrics as a data source in Foji. The MongoDB Aggregation Metrics configuration enables you to retrieve metrics and perform aggregations using the MongoDB aggregation framework. To configure the data source, you will need to provide the following fields: Name, Connection, Scan Interval, Database, Collection, and Pipeline.

Step 1: Accessing Data Source Configuration

  1. Log in to your Foji account and navigate to the data sources section.
  2. Click on the "Add Data Source" button or select the option to create a new data source.

Step 2: Naming the Data Source

  1. In the "Name" field, enter a unique name for your MongoDB Aggregation Metrics data source. Choose a descriptive name that helps you identify the purpose or characteristics of this data source.

Step 3: Selecting the Connection

  1. From the "Connection" dropdown, select the configured MongoDB connection that you want to use for executing the aggregation metrics. Ensure that you have already set up the appropriate MongoDB connector in Foji before configuring the data source.

Step 4: Configuring the Scan Interval

  1. Specify the scan interval in minutes. This determines how frequently Foji will execute the aggregation metrics and retrieve updated data from MongoDB.

Step 5: Selecting the Database and Collection

  1. From the "Database" dropdown, select the pre-configured MongoDB database where your target collection resides. Ensure that you have already created the database in Foji using the appropriate configuration.
  2. From the "Collection" dropdown, select the pre-configured MongoDB collection from which you want to retrieve the metrics. Ensure that you have already created the collection in Foji.

Step 6: Defining the Aggregation Pipeline

  1. In the "Pipeline" field, provide the JSON representation of the MongoDB aggregation pipeline. The pipeline defines the stages and operations to be performed on the selected collection. Refer to the MongoDB documentation for details on constructing the aggregation pipeline.

Step 7: Saving the Data Source Configuration

  1. After providing the necessary configuration details, click on the "Save" or "Create" button to save the MongoDB Aggregation Metrics data source configuration.
  2. Foji will automatically execute the defined aggregation pipeline based on the specified scan interval and retrieve the metrics data from the MongoDB collection.
  3. You can now use this data source in your Foji workflows to process and analyze the metrics data retrieved from MongoDB.
  4. Contact the Foji support team for more information on utilizing the MongoDB Aggregation Metrics data source within your workflows.


By following the steps outlined in this documentation, you can configure MongoDB Aggregation Metrics as a data source in Foji. This allows you to retrieve and analyze metrics data using the MongoDB aggregation framework, enabling seamless integration and processing of data from MongoDB within the Foji platform.